Iron is an essential mineral
Iron helps your body to perform at its best. Iron is needed to make the blood cells which carry oxygen around your body. Iron is vital for muscle function and keeping energy levels up.1-7

If your body loses more iron than it absorbs, you may use the iron that your body has stored up – depleting your reserves of iron.3

Signs you could be iron deficient
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, it is important to talk to your doctor so they can identify the cause and recommend a suitable treatment, which may include iron replacement therapy.6,7
Feeling Tired all the time
Being Short of breath
Trouble Concentrating
Iron is important in women's health.
So, whatever stage of life you are in, iron should be an important part of it.

2 in 3
are living with iron deficiency or anaemia 9
When you get
your period... lose blood which contains iron. While you'll be familiar with your cycle and how it can make you feel, periods may be taking a greater toll on your body than you realise and because of iron lost during your period, women’s daily iron needs can be twice as much as men. 9
2 in 3
are living with iron deficiency or anaemia9
When you get
your period... lose blood which contains iron. While you'll be familiar with your cycle and how it can make you feel, periods may be taking a greater toll on your body than you realise and because of iron lost during your period, women’s daily iron needs can be twice as much as men.9

Tiredness may seem like a normal part of having a period,
but if YOUR exhaustion is severe and doesn't improve between periods
this may be fatigue, caused by iron deficiency.10
Women who experience heavy periods
Up to 1 in 4 women
of reproductive age experience heavy menstrual bleeding. 14
Periods are different for everyone, but signs of heavy menstrual bleeding can include: 14,15
losing more than 5-6 tablespoons of blood (80ml) with each monthly period
changing tampons/pads every hour or having to get up most nights to change them
bleeding that lasts more than eight days (prolonged bleeding)
Women who have always had heavy or prolonged periods may think that heavy flows are just a part of life but…
if your periods are heavy enough to interfere with your physical, emotional or social quality of life, then you can talk to your doctor about how to reduce the impact of blood loss during periods.15
Keep in mind that while heavy periods and low iron can impact your quality of life, medical intervention can also help to address and improve it.13,16 Indeed, studies show that women with restored iron levels treated for heavy menstrual bleeding experienced improved quality of life, physically, emotionally and in their social lives, including a feeling of having more energy and less anxiety.13
If you’re feeling off your game, talk to your doctor.

And remember, even if you feel that your period isn’t particularly heavy, you should still talk to your doctor if you are experiencing the signs of low iron.

Oral Iron Treatment
Your doctor may prescribe iron tablets or liquid iron, when a blood test shows you need more iron. What do you need to know…

Iron Infusion Treatment
Some people may need iron to be given straight into the body through a vein. Find out more about intravenous (IV) iron infusions…

Online symptom checker
Take a 3-step quiz to check for the symptoms of iron deficiency...